Friday, January 18, 2013

How they divide the Rich from the rest of us.

This morning a friend shared something on Facebook about Whole Foods CEO cutting employee hours to comply with the Affordable Health Care Act. It picture that was posted imply that Whole Foods was greedy.

Here is the problem I had with it. It made it seem that was their only option. In fact they had three legal options. 

1) Increase their prices to cover cost and lose Costumers and have to close stores and permanently layoff employees.

2) Close stores to comply which means permanently layoff employees.

3) Cut Employee hours and keep the jobs.

The choice was the lesser of three evils.

This is an example of how the political class divides us. They appeal to or worst qualities’ IE greed and envy. By dividing the rich from the middle class and poor they pretend they are among the middle class and poor when point in fact they themselves are among the wealthy and will finds ways not to comply also.

You see this in the tax debate and elsewhere. If we are to take this country back The Wealthy, Middle Class and Poor must unify as one and take down the political class and return to part time office holders. If we don’t then the radicals will start the ox carts of their enemies rolling toward the guillotine. 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

We The Fed up People!

We the people no longer control our government. It is run by lobbyists and their big money sponsors. The career politicians keep us from looking at them by getting us to turn on each other. Social Media is the key to change not the mainstream media whores.

We can show that they are naked whores that do what their lobbyist pimps say. We The People must wake up and work to get them out of office. It's doesn't matter which party is running the train the destination is the washed out trestle it is headed far.

Friday, December 21, 2012

My Thoughts on New Town Conn.

There are 26 people dead at the hands of an evil man. It wasn’t a rifle; it wasn’t Hollywood or a video game. It was the act of an evil man. Evil is real and it needs no rhyme or reason. By refusing to except it very existence we only allow a clear pathway for it to tread.

The bible says that the human heart is desperately wicked and that no man can know it. Today we ignore that verse at our peril. Each of us fights a battle within us between good and evil. Paul the Apostle in the second chapter of the book of
Romans called it a war of the spirit. He admitted that even when he did good that evil was still present. He said that it was only God’s grace that saved and protected him from falling into his darker nature.

I want to leave you with words of hope. Most of us are celebrating the Birth of Jesus and I leave you with the message that the angels sang, “Fear not for behold I bring you news of great joy for unto you is born this day in the city of David is a savior who is Christ the lord. They also sang Glory to God in the Highest and on Earth peace and good will to all man.”

To those that lost some one last Friday, The babe that was lying in that manger is with you and comforts you. To those that are morning with you he is there too. For those that seek an answer of why this happen he is saying, I am here with you.

May He be with all you reading this blog.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Come on it's a TV show

It seems that each season there is one HG on Big Brother that we picked out to be trashed and ridiculed. This season it is Danielle.  Folks we really know nothing about the people on the show and what we do see is what manufactured by the HG’s themselves with lots of help of the producers.

It is okay to comment on their game play but to it isn’t ok to pick on their quirks and personalities. I know that we may not have the most exciting HG’s the last few years but that isn’t an excuse to dwell on one HG day in and day out.

We are much better people than this and I freely admit that I am as guilty as many others when comes to trashing HG’s I don’t like. For that I apologize to them and their love ones.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

in spite of youth culture says, women aren't ho's or whores they are ladies and the f word isn't an acceptable expression of anger. Respect isn't given it is earn.

To all my youthful friends, language does matter and what you watch and read does effect you to some extent. There is truth in the saying garbage in equals garbage out. If you want a much more civilize culture then you cannot demand it you must live it. You must take charge of your own words and deeds.

For all young guys out there, you say you want a Vestal Virgin but in reality you want a Venus. Here is a big hint, if you treat a woman like a vestal virgin in public you will find that when you take her home she will become a Venus. Learn to be a gentlemen and treat all women with respect. Learn to be a protector not an exploiter. Learn self restraint. Cultivate your mind and allow it and not your base urges to rule.  Set high goals and work to achieve them.

For all young ladies out there, demand to be treated like a lady. Don't put up with being called a ho, whore or bitch. Don't forgot you are much more than a body, you have a brain so cultivate it. Set goals and work to achieve them. Cultivate your wit and your charm because your intelligence, wit and charm are your greatest weapons.

To both cultivate within yourselves proper manners. There is much to be said for civility and little to be respected in coarseness. There is much to be respected in modesty and little to be said for lewdness. So work on those things that accent the positive and scrape way those things that accent the negative.

It is these things that will create a more civil society for no government can mandate them. It is left for each of us to do the work.

Let the stone throwing begin.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The State of our Union

I am deeply troubled by many things the Congress does. However, the bee in my bonnet today is the people of this country.  Sadly more people today are more concerned about who wins Amercan Idol or Survivor than they are are about the people that are suppose to represent them in Congress or who sits in the White House.

The news media is no help either when Lohan is more important than the mess at Solyndra. When they fail to explain that the payroll tax cut is robbing Social Security for short term political gain. When they can't see pass their polling and the political horse race to explain what the candidates actually are saying. How can we the people care when those informing us don't really care?

The blame comes back to us. We had much rather have the breads and the circuses than to have real meat and information which are better for us. The country is in the mess we are in because we allowed it to happen by never holding the politicians accountable by voting them back in.

To those that say they need to send a message by not voting you need not complain. You didn't do anything but sit in your tush.

It sum up, if your not part of the solution you are part of the problem. So start getting informed on the issues and use reason not emotion to make a choice. Turn off the media and start researching the issues for yourselves.


Thursday, December 29, 2011

The lost of Civility and Decorum

I am sadden by the lost of civility and decorum in our society. While this may seem like a trend among the younger generation; it is really a trend across all generations. Lets be honest here, the younger generation learns by example.

Reality tv, political talk shows, and shock jocks on the radio all in a small part make it alright to trash other people. However, the main teachers are the parents. So we stand at a fork in the road and  must decide which road we will take. The one to a less polite society or the one that leads to a society that people can disagree with civility.

It is an individual choice we all must make. No one can make it for us. Which road will you choose to travel?